Rules of Conduct

Roaring 20's Chicago Mobster Complete Rules

1. Wear a Roaring 1920's Chicago OCM meter at all times. There is no exception!

2. No Griefing. This applies to anywhere on the SIM, including open chat and IM.
Griefing is defined as actions against the SIM or people that cause a real detriment to their playing experience. This includes the persistent harassment of others or roleplaying themes of poor taste that offend that person. Also consult the SL policy definitions of Griefing and Griefers. Expect an Abuse Report to be sent to Linden Lab immediately. This includes harassment to others using IMs.
Griefers will be banned from the SIM, and our Admins are not required to give reasons as this is a privately owned SIM.

3. No Random Shooting. Gun play was an important part of the Gangs/Mobsters/Lawmen for many reasons and there are many great stories surrounding incidents. Since we wish to offer quality roleplay on this SIM, there should be a decent amount of  talking before shooting AT LEAST 3 LINES (roleplay before gunplay). Your opponent should respond before you (try to) gun them down. Remember, the longer the talking, the better the story/roleplay, so work up to the fight!
Please note that Roaring 1920's Chicago is NOT a combat SIM. IT is a ROLEPLAY SIM. Shooting anyone without a proper roleplay reason is not tolerated here and can be considered griefing. You can expect to be banned from the SIM for at least 2 days.

4. Only DCS/CCS 1920's Weapons Allowed In Roaring 1920's Chicago, we only allow DCS/CCS weaponry. The weapons can be bought in many areas on the sim and outside the sim. The weapons MUST fit the time period.
Wearing and/or using non-DCS/CCS Weaponry can result in a ban from the SIM for at least 3 days.
We strongly advise that you refrain from tampering with the weaponry. This action is viewed as a serious violation and if found out, you will be banned forever!

5. Wounded & Dead..... Now you may wonder what happens when you get shot. Your meters health will drop down to zero. You are then considered WOUNDED. Being wounded means you cannot shoot for 30 minutes. You should use these 30 minutes to find medical treatment. We ask that you roleplay as a realistic wounded man/woman. This means you shouldn’t be running around when you have just been shot. Just like in real life, when you get shot, you can hardly walk, and you are in a lot of pain.
If you are in need of MEDICAL TREATMENT, you can roleplay searching for a doctor/nurse, asking for someone if they can run to the doctor’s office to find help, or even  crawl if the nature of your wounds permits. If you fail to find medical treatment, OR if you are shot within these 30 minutes, you will be considered DEAD. Being dead means you can NOT actively ROLEPLAY for 6 hours. You cannot interfere in ongoing roleplay, or start a new roleplay.
You have a few options when you are dead:
·         You become a GHOST and roam around the SIM to OBSERVE roleplays. Again, you cannot participate in the roleplay.
·         You become a PASSIVE ROLEPLAYER. This means your dead body can be taken to the undertakers by someone and put in a coffin. You have to undergo this roleplay and do what the other roleplayer says.       

6. Stay In Character at All Times ....We are a roleplay SIM. This means you have to roleplay all your actions and conversations. Since we are set in the 1920's you have to act accordingly. We have supplied a slang language note card for speaking. This is considered IC or IN CHARACTER.
Of course we know sometimes you have to say something which doesn’t fit your character in Roaring 1920's Chicago. This is OOC or OUT OF CHARACTER.
An example would be when you have a phone call in RL, you must announce to the other roleplayers around you “I have a phone call, I will be right back”. OOC comments like “Wow dude, you’re a great shooter!” should never be made on the roleplay grounds.
We ask that you keep your OOC comments to an ABSOLUTE MINIMUM, in order not to ruin the roleplay.
However, when you do have to say something OOC, you can do this in 2 ways:
·         If you have to say something OOC to 1 person, it is best to send this person an IM.
·         If you have to say something OOC to multiple people, you announce it in open chat. You can do this by typing BETWEEN DOUBLE BRACKETS, like this: ((brb, phone))
If you find yourself needing to be in IMs or going AFK, please move to a discrete area (e.g., inside a building, around the corner) that does not interfere with the ongoing roleplay in the SIM.

7. Wear Clothing of the Era. We are a roleplay SIM set in Chicago in the Roaring 1920's. This means you have to be properly dressed (modest, for example, no skin from the top of the breast line to the knees) while you are on our SIM.
No modern clothing will be allowed! There was not a lot of skin shown in public, just dresses at the knees, especially by women, so cover up please (men too did not walk around shirtless in public). Make sure your accessories are in era too.

8. No Shooting at the Unarmed, Animals or Children You cannot shoot at the unarmed, animals or children. Even in the Hollywood movies, the gangster's rarely shoot at those who don’t have a chance to fight.
Wearing the OCM meter does NOT mean you are armed. Firing at the unarmed, animals or children on purpose can be considered RANDOM SHOOTING and/or GRIEFING.

9. No forcing actions on the unwilling Respect other's limits. If someone doesn't want to RP something that's out of the norm, please respect their limits. On the flip side, this really isn't happening to you so try to be creative and RP it out. And remember, if you die, 6 hours fixes everything.

10. No Flying. You are not allowed to fly in the SIM for ANY REASON.

11. No RAPE storylines. We do NOT allow any RAPE story lines. Kindly do not suggest or imply it. Please start off right by omitting it from a back story. This is our choice. We feel there is much more room for creative role play than a rape scene.

12. Wear an authorized and visible Chicago 1920's group tag We ask that you wear an official group tag while you are on the SIM.
Official groups in Chicago are those who have Lance Renfort, Fayandria Foley and Lander Hancroft in their membership list. There are many sanctioned gangsters groups. If you wish to create a new group, please contact Lance and Fay first!

13. Voiding Roleplay Please do NOT VOID a roleplay, unless you have the approval of an Admin. We ask that you go to every extent to avoid this. Even when you have been shot with no roleplay, we ask that you go along with it and play it out.

14. No shooting in church, doctor’s offices or the JAZZ CLUB in Chicago. We do not allow any shooting in a church or a convent. Rules of "Sanctuary" apply. A bad guy may retreat into a church or convent and MAY be granted sanctuary, but only if there is a member of that organization to assist you in role playing it.
Doctors offices/hospital located in Chicago should be considered as NO WEAPONS ZONES. Role playing by healers is detailed and dramatic at times affording your character the first step to rejoining the game. Please react to being healed and not consider this a place for revenge.


14. Do Not Enter Private Property Do not enter a rented house, or any other private property without the renters consent. Entering private property may result in a banning from the SIM for at least 3 days.

15.  No Fantasy Avatars. We do not allow “fantasy avatars” on our SIM. We ask that you dress and act as any normal human.
This includes furry avatars and ‘Nekos'.
You do not have any super natural powers and, for example, you cannot be a visitor from the future or distant past.


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